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Monday, April 6, 2015

B.G.M.'s Weekend Review

This past weekend was a very busy weekend. 

I attended a candlelight vigil commemorating the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination.  The vigil was put on by the Black Heritage Society.  Ovide Duncantell, the CEO and founder of the Black Heritage Society, was instrumental in getting a statue of Martin Luther King in MacGregor Park. He also chained himself to a historic tree called the Tree of Hope, and prevented its removal from the park. Dr. King and Mr. Duncantell are great examples of the power of what we as people can do to truly impact change. It was good to be reminded that we can have a great impact on this world if we to be that change. 

 Another great event that I was able to attend was the Ray Hill Comedy Roast. Ray Hill is an activist and citizen provocateur who founded a radio program called “The Prison Show” which connected Texas prison inmates with their loved ones and friends through the airwaves. He was roasted by prominent civic leaders and public officials such as the Mayor of the City of Houston, Annise Parker, State Representative and current mayoral candidate Sylvester Turner, Harris County Democratic Party Chair, Lane Lewis, and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. It was great to see a diverse community come together and honor a man for the impact and inspiration that he provided for some many. Thank you Lane Lewis for the invitation.

Yesterday, I attended Bunnies on the Bayou which is an annual party/fundraiser, where the proceeds benefit community organizations support the LGBT community. It was fun being around my friends and seeing once again what a community can do if they come together in a spirit of positivity and for a good cause. Overall, it was a great busy weekend, and I encourage you to get out there, get involved, and be the change you want to see in this world.
 Until next weekend,
The B.G.M.

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